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Learn All about Pallavi Gunalan – A Budding Comedian from LA

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Pallavi Gunalan is one of the funniest comedians, a writer, an actor, an improviser, an engineer, and more. She is known for her stand-up comedy and for appearing in a number of movies and TV shows, including Gal Pals (2017), Coach Von Pidgeon (2019), and Adulting (2017). But apart from what the world knows about her, let’s dig deeper and see who she really is behind the stage.


Here Are the Most Surprising Things You Didn’t Know about Pallavi Gunalan:

1. She Is a Jill of All Trades

In addition to being an amazing actor, Pallavi Gunalan is also a supercool comedian. She is one of the funniest female stand-up comedians of the decade. She is also a writer, an actor, a biomedical engineer, an improviser, and more. She is truly a jack of all trades having so many talents that she excels at.

2. She Is a Grammar Nazi

Pallavi Gunalan is apparently a grammar Nazi as per her website bio, according to which she is a huge fan of the oxford comma. Now that’s something that we could definitely relate to. Can’t miss that oxford comma!

3. Her Twitter Posts Are a Series of Unlimited Jokes

Pallavi is very active on her Twitter. You will find her posting funny posts about everyday life and her view on things daily. If you go through her Twitter, you will definitely laugh out loud at least five times in a minute.

4. She Is a Great Standup Comedian

Pallavi has performed as a standup comedian all over India and the U.S. She has also appeared in Laugh Factory’s Fresh Faces. She’s an unapologetically humorous person who definitely makes people laugh wherever she goes.

5. Pallavi Has Been Featured in a Number of Magazines

This talented young actress and comedian has been a center of media attention. She has been featured in Buzzfeed, The New York Times, Splitsider, the Portland Mercury, and other media platforms. She is known for her multiple talents and having polar opposite career identities. Oftentimes, these magazines share funny excerpts from her comedy sessions and quote her hilarious Twitter posts.

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6. She Has Her Own Science/Comedy Web Series!

Pallavi is an intelligent science student with a love for both comedy and science. So she decided to merge the two together and use her engineering and science expertise to create a science show. Her comedy/science web series, called Dirty Science, is focused on debunking cultural myths and demystifying technology.

7. She Followed in her Boyfriend’s Footsteps in Comedy

Pallavi’s ex-boyfriend used to do improv, which made her realize the comedy was something that anybody could just do. As the girlfriend of an improv artist, Pallavi got to meet a lot of comedy heroes and was always surrounded by great comedians at SF Sketchfest. That’s when she decided to go to her first open mic. After that session, she talked to Paul F. Tompkins and John Hodgman about how she felt and that’s when she decided that she wanted to be surrounded by funny people all of her life.

8. She Is Biomedical Engineer

You would never expect a hilarious comedian to be a biomedical engineer. According to Pallavi, having polar opposite career identities has kept her sane. Because according to her, if she only stuck to one thing for all her life, it would drive her crazy and she would feel incomplete. Having diverse careers helps her get some perspective and keeps her grounded. When things do not go well in one area of her life, she takes a break and starts working on the other. This has helped her stand her ground. Engineering helped her get a logical thought process and comedy gave her the voice that she needed to convey it.

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9. Her Favorite Comedy Heroes Are…

Pallavi is fascinated by a lot of her peers in the comedy industry. However, one of the recognized comedians she absolutely loves is Maria Bamford. According to Pallavi, Maria’s jokes are absolutely hilarious and uniquely hers. She has a great way to talk about mental health that makes people listen to it. She has a fun way of doing things. According to Pallavi, Maria is a living proof that people can be successfully funny and still be genuinely caring.

10. Her Biggest Win So Far

Pallavi’s biggest professional win, according to her, is quitting her PhD and getting a stable income from her comedy performances just after 9 months of quitting. There have been other achievements, but this particular accomplishment is what stood out for her because she felt grateful that she was able to support herself financially so quickly! She is also grateful for other people who gave her a chance to achieve that. She wants to grow enough so that she can help young comedians later on, like she was once helped.

11. She Is Asian American

According to Pallavi, she is extremely happy about her heritage that has helped give her a perspective defined by family’s culture. She loves being part of something that keeps her grounded and connects her to something other than her American lifestyle. She loves her family and is grateful that they got her where she is today. She is also a huge fan of her traditional cuisine, which she often refers to as “dope”.

Pallavi Gunalan | Indian Families | Laugh Factory Fresh Faces Stand Up Comedy

Meet Laugh Factory Fresh Face, Pallavi Gunalan (@pallavigunalan) who knows a long last name can go a long way.


We absolutely loved finding out these interesting facts about Pallavi Gunalan. She has a lot to be proud of. From having multiple talents to being caring and genuine, she truly does have a remarkable personality. Our favorite fact about her definitely has to be about her polar opposite careers. Having diverse careers is something that only lucky people get. Check out her Instagram to stay connected to her everyday life where everything she shares is extremely funny.

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